Breeze Mail

Update: Breeze has been discontinued.

You’ve done this before:

You’ve realized you need to send an email to a large group of colleagues.

So you write the email. You add about 47 contacts to the ‘To’ list.

You were supposed to send it to 48.

Person no. 48 gets mad. Really mad.

And worse: The resulting email thread between you and all those other people is impossible to navigate. Somebody forgets to send their messages ‘reply all.’ The work never gets done.

There should be a better way to do this. Better than Google Groups. Better than Yahoo! Groups.

There is.

These are happy people who use Breeze. (Happiness not pictured to scale.)

Breeze: Better email lists.

There’s a really wonderful team productivity app out there called Basecamp. And the makers of Basecamp have built a special tool specifically for email. It’s called Breeze.

Here’s all it is: A simple way to create a private email list. You add the emails to the list. Everyone sends their messages to a custom Breeze address. Every email is automatically sent to the entire group.

It is impossibly simple. And if you’ve ever spent 20 minutes trying to figure out how to create a Google Group, you know: These email lists are not usually easy to build.

Each Breeze email address can connect up to 50 people. There is a fee to set it up — $10. You pay once.

It’s simple, it works, and the 48th person on your email list won’t be pissed at you anymore.

Click here to grab your Breeze email address!

Now get out there and tell some great stories today!