And GroupMe just about saved our lives.
(That’s not hyperbole, either. A giant thunderstorm rolled through the festival Friday night, and GroupMe helped get my friends and I out of there before the weather turned awful.)
Here’s how it works: There’s a GroupMe app for iPhone, Android, Blackberry AND Windows Phone. Download it and invite your friends/co-workers/collaborators into a group. And then start texting as normal. Every message that gets sent out will go to everyone in the group.
And you can share photos and even locations via the app, too.
Best yet: If your friends can only use SMS, GroupMe also works perfectly. Just add their number, and they’ll get all the group messages, too!
So you can see how this would be really helpful, say, if a group of reporters go to work on a breaking news story. The group would able to share information, photos and current locations during their reporting. Reporters back in the newsroom could collect it all via the app and share it with readers.
Go test GroupMe out today — it’s free!
Now get out there and tell some great stories today!