Everyone can do this.(Yes, even you.)

Last week, some data scientists at MIT released this new tool called Immersion. You give it permission to access your Gmail, and it comes back with something like the image above: a big map of you and all the email connections you’ve made over the years.

And when you see your network like that, you’re going to have one reaction:

Why don’t I talk to more people?

Everyone — EVERYONE — who tries out Immersion has that reaction. Your network may be big, but you’re probably not as connected as you think.

And if you tell stories online or build stuff online, or just exist online people matter. Your network and your community matters.

So today, do something for yourself: Reach out to some old connections and say hello. Check in.

The best opportunities and jobs and experiences won’t come from job boards on the internet they’ll come from people you know. So today’s tool? Your inbox. Be brief, be to the point, and send out those emails!

(Oh, and a secret trick for anyone looking to make new connections: Nobody in this industry turns down free food. If you want to meet someone, don’t ask for 30 minutes of their time at some local coffee shop. Tell them: I really want to talk about _______. Can I bring coffee to your desk so we can talk for 15 minutes? Hardly anyone, I’ve found, is too busy to turn down a 15-minute meeting, especially if you’re going to bring coffee to them.)

Need to connect with me? Just hit reply to this email and let me know how I can help!

Now get out there and tell some great stories today!