Email shouldn’t be such a miserable experience

Update: The link to Mailbox is inactive.

Okay, we’re going to get back to the awesome tools next week I’ve got a few I’ve been testing out, and I’m excited to share them all but first, I wanted to answer a question I’ve been getting a lot lately.

It’s about email.

Specifically: How do make email a less miserable experience?

So if you work in journalism or, basically, exist on Planet Earth you probably get too much email.

The vast majority of the people who get this newsletter use Gmail, and Gmail’s recently rolled out their new Priority Inbox. Some of you probably love it. Some of you myself included went to Settings and turned it off immediately.

Because here’s the not-so-secret thing about email: It’s 100% about organization.

If you’re organized with it, email really isn’t an issue. Mail comes in. You sort it into the right folders, and respond to it on your time, and everything’s fine.

Or… you’re disorganized, and you let it pile up, and it’s a miserable thing.

For a while now, I’ve used SaneBox, this organization system for Gmail. It filters my mail into about six different folders, and I’ve trained it to send certain pieces of mail into certain places. When I do respond to email, I try to respond briefly and quickly.

For me, this works.

For others who don’t have a system, a mobile app like Mailbox can be really helpful and get you organized. Or yes, even this new Gmail inbox if it keeps you organized, by all means, use it.

All that matters is that you have a system. If you don’t, email is going to be your personal hell.

(And please, by all means: Take 10 minutes today and unsubscribe from some newsletters. You don’t need all of them. Trust me. And no, I don’t know how to make the LinkedIn email stop. I’ve unsubscribed, too, but they just keep sending. Sorry, everyone.)

/end rant, and we’ll get back to the tools next week, promise, and please get out there and tell some great stories today.