Meet Creatavist

Update: The link to Creatavist is no longer active.

Morning, everyone! Apologies about the last two weeks of newsletters you may have noticed that they’ve been missing. tl;dr After a month of fighting with Time Warner, I’ve finally given up and cancelled my service. (I’m going full-time with Karma, the WiFi hotspot I highlighted a few months ago.)

Anyway, with internet back at my apartment, the newsletter is BACK. And this week’s tool is awesome.

Last year, my team at decided that we wanted to turn some of our stories into Kindle books. We were really, really excited about this. But we also didn’t know how to make an eBook. I figured I was gonna have to put it all together in InDesign.

Then the Atavist the internet’s favorite longform publishing house saved us.

They let us test out their platform, called Creatavist . It lets you create an eBook step-by-step on the web and makes it easy for you to export your finished book to the Kindle store (or any of the other platforms that sell eBooks).

They’ve just released a new version of Creatavist , and it’s got an awesome new feature: Instead of just turning your story into an eBook, you can also publish an awesome online version of your story one in the mold of those “Snow Fall” stories that have been going around the web this year. (Here’s a cool example.)

Creating an account and your first story is free, but if you’re publishing a ton, it’ll cost you $10 a month. But it’s worth checking out. You can sign up for a Creatavist account right here.

Now get out there and tell some great stories today!