Why, hello there!

Update: The links to LinkyDink and Wedgies are inactive.

Rumors of this newsletter’s demise have been — I fear — greatly exaggerated. Yes, friends and colleagues and good people now one click closer to the joy of Inbox Zero, this newsletter is still ticking. The newsletter’s no longer every week, and not even every other week — but I’m still out here looking for awesome stuff for you.

Speaking of which…

An excellent tool for syncing stuff between your computer and your phone: Pushbullet. It works on Android and iPhone — you download an app and then a Chrome plugin, and it lets you send anything (addresses, contacts, to-do lists, files) back and forth between your devices. It’s really useful. Check it out here.

And also…

For anyone who publishes on the web and cares about Google News, may I suggest reading about the new updates Google’s just released?

For anyone looking to stay on top of what your friends are tweeting/Facebooking about (but don’t want to log into Twitter/FB), may I recommend Nuzzel?

And may I also give a shootout to Digg, which continues to find awesome stuff to read, AND which has a Nuzzle-like feature called Digg Deeper that’s also quite cool?

For those of you doing business across time zones (and especially across continents), may I recommend the wonder that is everytimezone.com?

For those looking to share links with a small group of friends in a daily digest-style email, may I suggest Linkydink?

For anyone who uses Reddit a lot and wants Google Alerts-style emails when certain phrases are getting written about (for instance, the name of your company, or a particular search term), can I suggest using this hack from the guys at Zapier? (You’ll have to have a Zapier account AND a Reddit login to make that work, FWIW.)

And if you’re looking for a tool to help you create simple polls, maybe you want to check out Wedgies? (Wufoo is wonderful for more complicated surveys.)

Until next time (whenever that is).