How to feel like you’re hacking (without really doing it)

Greetings listers, and welcome to the 72 (!) of you who joined since our last email. I’ve got some cool new tools for you courtesy of the IRE conference, but haven’t had the chance to test them out.

So instead I’ll share something from my own session: How to feel like you’re hacking (without really doing it).

It starts with some simple elbow-grease-type tricks for getting images, contact info and other data off the web, and gets into funner stuff from there. It’s got some ideas in common with my earlier scraping tutorial, but has even more techniques and tricks.

If you’re just joining this list, we won’t be doing tutorials every week – I mostly focus on simple point-and-click tools for gettin r done. But please get in touch with me with any questions! I have a list of all my guides and tutorials on my website, if you’re hungry for more.