Another itsy bitsy menu bar icon that saves you life

Sorry this TFR is late, reporters – I just realized it was Tuesday, like, an hour ago. So it seems like a good time to discuss…

ItsyCal, the teeny tiny calendar that sits in your menu bar. It may remind you of Gestimer, the teeny tiny reminder app that also nestles happily in your menu bar. I’m not afraid to admit it, when it comes to teeny tiny apps, I’m a fan.

Oftentimes these posts come about because I finally got off my butt and found a solution to something that was frustrating me. In this case, it was that Mac computers show a date and time in the menu bar, but refuse to display a little calendar like Windows will. Nonsense!

ItsyCal is a free, painless fix.

Fair warning; it’s not the most robust option. (Things with “Itsy” in the name, I suppose, generally aren’t). For example, you can’t really edit or interact with events – you only get a preview.

But ItsyCal does pull up a calendar with a single click – the way it should be.

So what calendar apps do y’all use? I use Google Calendar as my anchor and Calendars 5 for mobile. But I just discovered the Gcal mobile app, and… dang.