Time to get some last work in before the holidays

Just kidding! This like the last week of class where we get to watch movies instead of actually learning something new.

Let’s take a quick look back at some of the best tools from 2017:

  • Gestimer, a teeny-tiny app sitting in your menu bar, pops up a reminder when you need to call a source back
  • Google News Lab offers free (yes, free!) training to newsrooms that want to practice data visualization, research, and other nifty things with Google tools (Hint: Fill out the request form and mention me by name.)
  • Audiograms make for a neat visualization of audio in Twitter – a hard thing to pull off, indeed
  • Data.world and PowerBI are tied for neatest data tool – they combine Excel and SQL in the coolest ways
  • DocumentCloud stores, annotates, embeds, analyzes, OCRs and does more stuff to documents than I could name here

See you all again in 2018! πŸ“†