Do you ever wish you could just stop looking at Facebook and get some work done? Of course you do. A couple years ago I recommended a tool for this called Timewarp, which would pop up with little messages like “Git back to work, bub!”
The problem is, you could just flip it off with a switch, which I did after, ehh, about three days. Today, I found a much more badass one called SelfControl.
SelfControl cannot be turned off with a switch. In fact, it can’t be turned off by closing the program, restarting your computer or even DELETING THE APP off your computer 😦 It just keeps chugging along, blocking you from websites no matter how bad you want to see ’em.
Bad. Ass. Borderline scary, but hey – my Reddit addiction needs all the help it can get.
The app is Mac-only (Cold Turkey seems to be a Windows alternative), but it’s free and open source. Stay off of Facebook, reporters!