But I’m not taking all the responsibility, because at risk of sounding defeatist, that’s just the way things are now. In fact, your password has probably been compromised tons of times from all sorts of sources.
You can get a window into this sad state of affairs with a website called HaveIBeenPwned.
HaveIBeenPwned checks if your email has gotten got in a hack. (Spoiler: It probably has.) My personal pwns include Canva, Dropbox, Kickstarter, LinkedIn, Tumblr, Ticketfly and six other sites – and that’s just with one email address.
The good news is, HaveIBeenPwned can notify you every time you get pwned again. Hooray!
And to try avoid pwns in the future, you can turn on 2FA, avoid reusing passwords, and change your password every time you get pwned. Good luck!