Add a splash of color to your content

We have a guest, reporters! Jeremy Caplan writes the Wonder Tools newsletter, suggesting useful tools from all over the journalism spectrum and elsewhere:

In these hot summer months, here’s a cool little resource to add some color to your published pieces. offers free illustrations from diverse artists around the world that you can remix and customize.

You can adjust the characters’ poses, clothing, facial expressions — even the plants or objects in the background. Choices are limited, but there’s enough flexibility that you feel like you’re creating a distinct visual for your readers.

When you’re done, lets you copy the link or download a file, and you’re legally free to use it  for personal or commercial purposes.

To see what the illustrations look like when published, you can check out posts from my Wonder Tools newsletter about Calendly and Loom.

Thanks Jeremy! I like to think I’m renowned for my lack of a design sense, so we can all thank Jeremy for enlightening us to this tool. Until next time, reporters!

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