Free story pitches

Hello, reporters! The SPJ Conference is coming up (in person! in New Orleans!) and I will be sharing 30 tools for freelancers. One of them will be Case by Case, a biweekly newsletter with free story pitches for anyone to use.

It’s not just good for freelancers – Case by Case also shares concrete useful stuff like relevant databases, websites and human sources.

A somewhat similar one, if you’re into data, is Data Is Plural by Jeremy Singer-Vine, which shares five newsy or interesting datasets every week. Case by Case is free, although if you want to subscribe at the paid tier, you can get weekly pitches rather than biweekly.

It goes out the opposite week from TFR, so you don’t even have to spread your newsletter attention too thin. Pitch some stories, reporters!

One more thing...

Did you miss the last TFR? Replicate a busy hotel lobby with Gather