Well hello, my beautiful reporters!! It is that time of year again: when we all come together around the fireplace to reminisce over our favorite tools of 2023.
After my hiatus to wrap up a ProPublica investigation (more on that later!), I have so many tools to share and am really excited to dive in as we move into the new year. So let’s get into it!

Google Voice for engagement reporting
One of the new things I got to really delve into this year (thanks to ProPublica) is the practice of engagement reporting. I will probably go back to engagement reporting with future tools, but Google Voice is one that made the whole process so easy – and successful!
PAI’s tools for local newsrooms
AI is, of course, on the tip of everyone’s tongues at the moment. I’ll be diving into that more next year, but in the meantime, let’s use PAI’s database of AI tools for local newsrooms to explore.
ScanSnap portable scanner
This is one post that kind of took me by surprise – who knew portable scanners would be so popular! I almost never (ever) recommend actual physical hardware on this guide, but this one had an immense effect on my work earlier this year.
Knight Lab’s StoryMap
This tool came to us via Teddy Maiorca, who contributed several TFR posts this year (Thank you Teddy!). The NU Knight Lab has created several really fun and impressive tools, and this one spices up your story by putting its points on a map.
Well Known Resource Network ad tracker
I liked this tool because it’s good old fashioned shoeleather reporting (albeit online). This website helps you follow companies and people placing ads from site to site.
And that’s a wrap, reporters! I will see you in the new year.