The thing you’ve all been waiting for

When I started this newsletter in the fall of 2012, one of the very first questions I got was: Is there an app that will help me transcribe my quotes faster?

I said I’d look into it.

And then I got another email the next week. And the next. And the next.

I’ve been getting emails from you guys pretty much weekly for about 17 months now. So I am going to say the following two things:

1. There is not a magical app that will just do the transcribing for you. I’m really sorry.

2.  There IS, however, a tool to help you transcribe better, and I will share it with you today.

It’s called oTranscribe. (It comes heartily recommended by a handful of loyal TFR readers, as well as a handful of my colleagues. And now me.)

Here’s how it works:

You’ve got an audio file to transcribe either an .mp3 or a .wav. Open oTranscribe, and upload the file.

Then you hit the escape key, and your file will start playing. Right underneath it, there’s a big text pad for you type out the quotes as the file plays. Everything happens in your web browser you don’t need a separate text file open to transcribe in.

To start/stop the audio, you press escape. To rewind a few seconds on a Mac, you hit Fn + 1. To go forward, Fn + 2. (On a PC, it’s F1 and F2.)

And here’s the real magic: If you hit Fn + 3 (or F3 on a PC), it’ll slow down the audio, and Fn + 4 (or F4 on a PC) speeds it up.

So no longer do you have to frantically hit start/stop on a file as you’re transcribing. oTranscribe slows down the file to a speed that pretty much anyone can type at.

And as you’re going along, you can insert a timestamp (hit Control + J) into the transcription. Click on it, and your audio will start playing directly from that spot.

Basically, it’s magic.

To test it out, I tried transcribing Bob Dylan’s “Subterranean Homesick Blues.” Now, I’m a decently-fast typist, but at normal speeds, it would take me hours to transcribe that song. Dylan just sings too fast!

But with oTranscribe, I was able to slow it down and keep up.

I highly recommend you give it a test run it’s free, and you can play with it at


You’ve surely noticed that these emails have been less consistent over the past two months or so. And for good reason: I’ve been busier and busier at work. (Which is good for me! But bad for you guys.)

So here’s my new promise for 2014: I’m not going to be able to get you guys a tool every week. It’s just too much sorry.

But I will send you a new tool every TWO weeks. I’ll make them good promise.

Anyway, as always: Thanks for reading, and go tell some awesome stories this week!